Lemon tree (Citrus limon) BIO, 10 ml

from Pranarôm
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Essential oil lemon Pranarôm is releasing and cleansing. She is recommended to reinforce immunizing defenses and to purify the bodies of elimination

Essential oil lemon Pranarôm is releasing and cleansing. She is recommended to reinforce immunizing defenses and to purify the bodies of elimination.

A complete zest
Originating in the ’ India and cultivated in the South of the ’ Europe and in California, the lemon is one of the most useful fruits in natural medicine so much its properties are numerous. As for all citrus fruits, its essential oil is obtained by cold expression of the external part of the ’ bark of the fruit.


  • antibacterial
  • disinfecting
  • antiviral
  • mimetic and expectorant vitamin-p blood
  • tonic digestive, carminative, apéritive, cleansing


  • for the periods of contagion: in atmospheric diffusion
  • digestive tirednesses
  • problems of circulation
  • obesity, lymphatic drainage
  • intellectual tiredness
  • skin troubles
Source: A. Zhiri & D. Baudoux, essential Oils Chémotypées and their synergies, Inspir Development


  • External way: 2 drops of ’ essential oil of lemon + 2 drops of ’ vegetable oil of hazelnut on the skin to be looked after, locally 2 times per day.
  • Intern sees: consult your doctor.


  • An antibacterial naturalness for the household: to add 10 drops of ’ essential oil of lemon in your water of household.
  • To cleanse the ’ atmosphere and to go up moral depressed people: to diffuse 20 drops of ’ essential oil of lemon, 10 drops of ’ essential oil of orange ’ sweet, 15 drops of ’ essential oil of bois de rose and 5 drops of ’ essential oil of woodland pine.

Special precautions

  • To hold out of reach young children.
  • This product cannot replace a balanced food mode.
  • Not to exceed the advised amount.
  • Except informed verdict, not to use during the pregnancy, breast feeding and for the children of less than 3 years.
  • To preserve safe from any source of heat and of light.
  • Possible cutaneous irritation with the ’ pure state.
  • Sensitizing photo petrol, not ’ to expose to the sun after application.


Citrus silt
Aromatic molecules: Monoterpenes (limonene (60-80%), terpinene, paracymene), Furocoumarines
(bergamotene, psoralenes, bergaptene)
Distilled part: zest


Bottle of 10 ml
Label Organic farming

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Comments from others countries
Lemon tree (Citrus limon)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Très bonne Huile essentielle que j'utilise depuis longtemps.
Lemon tree (Citrus limon)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Très odorant. Génial en pâtisserie.
Lemon tree (Citrus limon)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

utile pour plusieurs pathologies
Lemon tree (Citrus limon)
3 5

cf commentaire de Question 1
Lemon tree (Citrus limon)
25-35 years Gender
5 5

Conforme, me permet de faire les soins que je propose
Lemon tree (Citrus limon)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

quelques gouttes tous les matins associées à l'extrait liquide de propolis noire française me permettent de passer l'hiver sans problème.
Lemon tree (Citrus limon)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

produit conforme à la commande
Lemon tree (Citrus limon)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

conforme a mes attentes
Lemon tree (Citrus limon)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Je connaissais ce produit
Lemon tree (Citrus limon)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Je m'en sers beaucoup
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